Explainer videos

Explainer videos

Here you will find two videos that illustrate the advantages of our debarking machine. In “Video 1 – This is how debarking is fun” you will experience how easy and efficient debarking is with our machine. In the second video – “Six functions, just a few steps” – we show you the versatile functions and the effortless operation. Dive in and discover how our debarker can revolutionise your wood processing experience.

Six functions, few movements!

Debarking Machine - Teaser

Debarking wood - in just a few steps!

Sharpening tree trunks - made easy!

Chamfering the wood - clearly explained!

Sawing tree trunks - possible with the debarker!

Splitting wood - how it works!

Cutting trees to length - for your individual needs!

Product Comparison - Typ S & Typ K+

Strong performance!

Almost half a century!

Spare parts - affordable and durable!

Debarking Machine Typ S - one machine, three functions!

Debarking Machine Typ K - machine for everything!

The sharpening device - precise & easy to use!

Stepped shaft

3 different drives!

Setting the peeling blades right!

Over 30 years of high quality

Wood species - whether soft or hard

Feed knives - simply explained